I'm not into flashy graphics etc but I'll do my best to make this site look good. All I really give a sh*t about is that it works!
At the minute I intend trying to use different technologies throughout different parts of the site to aid my learning process.
I'm going to try and implement different versions of (roughly) the same site on different platforms. I'm going to call this the eOghaN... ("Eoghan On...") series, and hopefully learn about different server-side technologies and markup languages while doing so.
Some incarnations will be:
6/2/01 There has been a slight turn around in the direction of this project. Currently I think I am in the process of creating a fictional company ("eOghaNCorp") with various departments (eg Sports Desk, IT dept, BookStore etc) which all require an online presence.
I think it would be a better idea if I took the documentation, debugging and scheduling of this reasonably seriously. To deal with this I will use the Zope server (Port 8080) as my planning/design/development base. This will contain a Painless bug database, schedule spreadsheet and all documentation. I will post details of the whole Alpha->Beta->Release Milestone approach later.
The prototype website will be built for IIS on my machine using ASP, VBScript/Javascript etc.
The finished version will go live on this site once EVERYTHING including documentation is complete.
More later...
As mentioned elsewhere, I have toned down some of the wild ideas I had for this site, at least for the near future. I'm going to try and concentrate on getting a decent XML implementation of my CV online. Then I'll see about accessing it through different browsers (html, wml, voxml). this should be 'proof of concept' enough until I can think of other more realistic ideas/projects. I've decided to shelve IIS completely since I'd rather devote my (limited) time and patience to using Zope.
This has again changed as a result of reading the "Hacker Howto" article. The MiniProject I previously concentrated on will be left for a while and I will use my time to set myself assignments based on ACM problems. Hopefully when I return to my original project, I will have better programming skills which I can use. I will continue to keep a sporadic diary of my progress on this website.